Sabado, Hunyo 28, 2014

China Likely To Gain More From RIMPAC 2014 Than It Gave Away

by: desertknightfm~ Rhojel

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier battle group along with ships from Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, and South Korea during RIMPAC 2000

The first time I heard the word RIMPAC was when I watched the movie BATTLESHIP the battle for earth begins at sea, it is an American military science fiction film directed by Peter Berg and released by Universal Pictures. The film stars Taylor Kitsch, Liam Neeson, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, John Tui, Brooklyn Decker and Tadanobu Asano.

 The RIMPAC is a naval exercise under simulated conditions of war which being carried out in the Hawaiian waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest international maritime warfare exercise in the Pacific Rim. The objective of the RIMPAC is to enhance interoperability between Pacific Rim armed forces, ostensibly as a means of promoting stability in the region to the benefit of all participating nations. It is a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans.

This event is always held every two years from the month of June and July and the regular participants from this events are from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US). Other regular participants are  Chile, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Peru, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and the UK. The Royal New Zealand Navy was frequently involved until the 1985 ANZUS nuclear ships dispute, but has taken part in recent RIMPACs such as in 2012 and will return to the exercise this season 2014.

China's Participation To RIMPAC

China before was invited as an observer but this season they will participate in an actual maritime simulations which draw many speculation from the expert because of China's expansion campaign on the South China Sea. Roger Cliff, an analyst at Washington's Atlantic Council think tank, said Washington may also hope China will reciprocate by inviting the US Navy to participate in a PLA Navy exercise.  But he said China was likely to gain more from RIMPAC than it gave away.

"They will ... learn from observing us and the other participants, and they will not only learn about our capabilities, they will also learn how to perform things more efficiently or effectively, whereas they probably don't have much to teach us in that regard," he said.

This notion coming from Roger Cliff made me think that if China will actively participate in a maritime simulation game the People's Liberation Army Navy of China (PLANC) can observe the strategies and tactics of their potential enemy in case tension escalate in South and East China Sea. They can be more effective naval offensive or defensive forces if they will be an imaginary enemy of this drill. So probably they will learn more than the regular participants of the RIMPAC. The People's Liberation Army Navy of China are expected to send four of their ships to the exercise, a destroyer, frigate, supply ship, & hospital ship.

Royal New Zealand Navy and RIMPAC

On February 1985 New Zealand did not support the ban on nuclear armed and nuclear power ships which resulted to cancellation of trilateral military exercise or ANZUS and because of this the Royal New Zealand Navy was also suspended to join the RIMPAC but until 2010 when secretary of state Hillary Clinton visit, the dispute was put to an end and New Zealand resumed her military cooperation. On September 20, 2012 the US lifts her ban on visits by New Zealand warships to US defence and coast guard bases around the world; US Marines had trained in New Zealand and New Zealand's navy took part in the Rimpac maritime exercise alongside the US earlier that year.

People's Leberation Army of China and RIMPAC

The RIMPAC exercises come at a time when tensions are high between Beijing and US allies such as Japan and the Philippines over China's pressing of territorial claims in the South and East China Seas and Vietnamese vessels have clashed with China over waters claimed by both nations.

New Zealand cooperation in maritime exercise was suspended because of the dispute between the US and its' about banning on nuclear armed weapon and ships. But I wonder why US RIMPAC allowed China to join in this drill ins pite of the dispute and tension including of it's violation case to the UN Tribunal filled by the Philippines? I can't understand why US would like to teach a Communist country in enhancing its naval defences and strategies which can be used against its potential enemy like the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea which are all her allies?

Participation of China in this maritime exercise will not only gain experience, skills and knowledge but also an opportunity for China's navy to demonstrate its increased capabilities and to get a closer look at other navies since there one of they're forte is spying. We hope that in the future Mr. President Obama and participants in this important event will never regret the moment that a communist armed forces participated in this affair.

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Biyernes, Hunyo 27, 2014

Building a China Military Base In Philippine Territory Is An Act Of War

by: desertknightfm- Rhojel

China has at least 10 bases outside its borders.

The Act Of War

The act of war is an action by one country against another with an intention to provoke a war or an action that occurs during a declared war or armed conflict between military forces of any origin.

An act of war in the traditional, historical sense was understood to mean any act by a State that would effectively terminate the normal international law of peacetime and activate the international law of war. The decision was invariably that of the target State and was generally preceded by a statement warning that certain act would be considered acts of war and would trigger hostilities. Belligerent and neutral States also used the term.

Belligerents would interpret as acts of war any action that seemed to assist the enemy; neutrals, any infringement of their neutrality. In 1945, the United Nation Charter banned the first use of force, putting an end to declarations of war. Article 2(4) of the Charter states: " All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state."
China's Invasion to Philippine Sea is an Act of War.

Termination of the International Law (ITLOS)

The China belief that China Sea including the West Philippine Sea are part of their country and their claims is based on the 9 dash line map made by their leaders suffering from the delusion of grandeur. All Asean nations including China amend the International Law Of the Sea to prevent any aggressive act between claimants, while determining each sea boundary the Code Of Conduct was signed to stop any activity of any claimants in a disputed part of their Exclusive Economic Zone.

When expert found out that China Sea is reached in Energy Source, China suddenly disregards all agreement and even the ITLOS and start invading by deploying their Navy all over the disputed waters and expanding Air Defense Zone to secure their new territory. They are also starting to make a great wall of china in the sea by making artificial island to serve as a base and one example of this is the ongoing land reclamation and construction in one of the Philippine reefs the Mabini Reef.

Violation of Moral Law

Based on Indian principles, the Mahabharata describes a discussion between ruling brothers concerning what constitutes acceptable behavior on a battlefield.

One should not attack chariots with the cavalry; chariot warriors should attack chariots. One should not assail someone in distress, neither to scare him nor to defeat him ... War should be waged for the sake of conquest; one should not be enraged toward an enemy who is not trying to kill him.
China attacked the Vietnam fishing boat by ramming it with their coast guard vessel and firing water cannon on it causing one of its fishing boat to sink. The use of water cannon of a military boats to any civilian boat which also they do to our fisherman are considered an act of war and blocking any boat in our undisputed water trigger hostilities to Western Philippine Sea.

An example from the Deuteronomy 20:19–20 limits the amount of acceptable collateral and environmental damage:
When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ them in the siege: Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued.
China reclamation or building a man made island in Mabini Reef destroy the corals which are the breeding ground of all fish in the area and may affect Fishing industries of all ASEAN countries.

 Imposing Treat

The undergoing construction of Military Base in Mabini reef is an act of war and can be a future threat to our cities and provinces. There are those politics, scholars, bussinessmen, and even militaries who say: “We cannot risk war with China.” In truth and in fact, we are already at war with China. The Holy Temple and City of Jerusalem was easily invaded and destroy by Roman Centurion because Jewish Politician and Generals argue and fighting each other for the welfare of their country, unknowingly their enemy is preparing for a siege outside the wall. The history of the fall of Jerusalem is now happening to our country. We are so busy doing politics and fighting each other for the good of our nation while we are under attack by China. If this construction of China's Military base will be completed all of us People of the Philippine will be held responsible for our sons, daughters and even grandchilds' liberty because we failed to do something to protect Democracy against the threat of Communism. Thus China's military base may also support the local communist in their fight  against our present form of government.

China can never and ever engage with the principle of democratic leaders because their ancestors are followers and believers of Mao Tse Tung and one of their beliefs is that "Political Power grows from the barrel of a gun." and diplomacy for them is just only a tool to deceive their enemy because "all warfare is based on deception." Sun Tzu.

Not participating to ITLOS and disregarding what will be the decision of the UN Tribunal are expected behavior from Chinese leaders, because they know that in a democratic country diplomacy and the rule of law is our greatest tools to resolve a conflict and they will and never buy or adopt this policy because they are a communist country.

Principle of Building Military Base
Military bases have only two purposes: To use as defenses from enemy attack; or to attack enemies. No nation is attacking China. As such, China cannot justify the construction of these bases by claiming that it needs them for self-defense. These bases are deep in Philippine territory, in commandeered atolls and islands in violation of international and civilized laws. China’s aggressiveness clearly indicates its nefarious plan to use these bases for coercive, attacking  purposes.

Act of Self Defense

Article 51 of the UN Charter states the following:

Article 51: Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by members in exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Right to Self Defense

The right of self-defense (accrding to U.S. law) (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for civilians or states acting on their own behalf to engage in a level of violence, called reasonable force or defensive force, for the sake of defending one's own life or the lives of others, including, in certain circumstances, the use of deadly force.

Ramming of fishing boat, firing water cannon, blocking commercial vessels, incursion, invasion and construction of military base into West Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone are considered a war of aggression or war of conquest and the Government is mandated to defend its sovereignty. If China's invasion and hostile act will not be contained the political, economic, and interest of all ASEAN countries will be affected even the international community. The Philippine government should stand off and do what is necessary to be done. If there is illegal construction in our territory then arrest and jailed the offender like we did to those Chinese poachers. We should act to stop building their base to stop incursion and invasion and if ever they fire their barrel on us then the right for self defense should be applied and we should not rely so much to other countries to defend us. Our armed forces maybe lack of hardware to fight China but we can win the war if all Filipino will fight up to the last breath to defend our sovereignty.

Communist State

The dispute in the sea is not just only a matter of economic interest but a global political power. Once China invaded the sea the next target will be the shore until they control all Asian Countries and turned it into a Communist State. Once they drill oil from the China Sea, it will be the start of their power and political influence around the world. If all our allied countries will not going to stop China's invasion and support the Philippine in her fight for freedom of navigation and respect of the international law then Democracy in Asia might not be heard no more if we lost the fight.

Huwebes, Hunyo 12, 2014

Kabalyero ng Disyerto 15- Friday The 13th and The Knights Templar

Today is Friday the 13th. Numerologists everywhere are passing out from the tension. Many people of the superstitious sort consider Friday the 13th to be unlucky. There are people who wear good luck charms all day and some who go so far as to refuse to leave home, lest something unlucky happen to them.

But many don’t know that one legend of the origin of Friday the 13th as unlucky comes from the persecution of the Knights   Templar in the 14th Century. On Friday, October 13th, 1307, King Philip IV of France, in league with Pope Clement V ordered  all Templars to be rounded up and thrown in prison. The Knights were accused of numerous crimes including heresy and treason. For two hundred years the Knights Templar had been the most dominant force in Christendom, but after their defeat at the Siege of Acre and the loss of the Holy Land, their influence began to wane.

Yet they still held enormous power and great amounts of wealth. Pope Clement sought to merge the Knights Templar with the Knights Hospitaller another powerful order at the time. Neither group found such a merger ideal. And despite the loss of the Holy Land, the Templars were still a part of of everyday life in the Middle Ages. Their houses, churches and farms dotted the countryside throughout Europe. It provided employment for thousands of people. They started an international banking system that allowed nobles to deposit funds and valuables for safekeeping. And in what ultimately led to their downfall, they occasionally helped finance wars.

Philip IV borrowed enormous sums of money to finance a war with England. A poor king and an even worse military commander, Philip was easily defeated. He saw a way of both currying favor with the Pope and eliminating his huge debt. On that fateful day of Friday, October 13, 1307 he ordered all Templars arrested and their property seized. The Grandmaster of the order, Jacques DeMolay was thrown in prison along with several other high-ranking members of the order.

Their ‘trial’ was a farce. The Templars were charged with heresy, worshiping false idols and other crimes against the church. Many of them were tortured until they ‘confessed’ to their crimes. Refusing to capitulate, Jacques DeMolay would not confess and Philip ordered him burned at the stake. In 2007 the Vatican issued a proclamation declaring the Templars innocent of their alleged crimes.

The Knights Templar, which had dominated medieval life for two centuries, was no more. Unfortunately for Philip, the Templars had learned of his planned treachery before hand. Many of them escaped and their vast stores of treasure were hidden from the King’s soldiers.

Another legend that has also persisted is that Jacques DeMolay, the last Grandmaster of the Order, cursed both Philip IV and Pope Clement V, as he died. Whether or not you believe in curses, both Philip and Clement died within months of DeMolay’s death.

There were three persons cursed by Jacques de Molay: King Philip IV, his advisor Guillaume de Nogaret, and Pope Clement V. Here is what Jacques de Molay allegedly said:

"Pope Clement! Knight Guillaume de Nogaret! King Philip! I summon you to appear before the year is out before the tribunal of God! Cursed, you will be cursed and so will your families for 13 generations to come!"

Pope Clement V died 40 days after the execution.
Guillaume de Nogaret died a month after the Pope, apparently poisoned.
King Philip of France died before the year was out, on November 29, 1314, of a massive stroke - he was 46.

Philip IV's three sons all reigned and died young without descendants. The confusion surrounding their succession gave way to the Hundred Year War (hence the 13 generations).

Martes, Hunyo 10, 2014

Kabalyero ng Disyerto 14- Knights Templar worshipped the Turin Shroud

The medieval Knights Templar did venerate an image of a bearded man, as was alleged by their persecutors but his name was Jesus, and the idol was the Turin Shroud.

A Vatican researcher has uncovered evidence that the order, which was brutally suppressed in 1305 by King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V, guarded and venerated the Shroud.
In an article published by the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, a historian, Barbara Frale, said she had uncovered "missing clues" to both the mysterious fate of the Templars and the Shroud.
Vatican documents included an account of a Templar initiation rite in 1287 of a young Frenchman, Arnaut Sabbatier.
"(I was) shown a long piece of linen on which was impressed the figure of a man and told to worship it, kissing the feet three times," said the document.
The shroud, a long piece of cloth bearing the image of a man's face and body, is kept in Turin is dated from at least 1357 when it was first displayed by the widow of a French knight.
A similar relic is known to have been worshipped in Byzantium, now Istanbul and to have disappeared from there during the sack of the city by Crusaders, including Knights Templar, in 1204.
The Templar order, whose full name was "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon", were founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.
The order amassed enormous wealth and helped finance wars of medieval European monarchs, over 700 years later legends of their hidden treasures, secret rituals and power have fascinated millions and dominated the bestseller lists with books such as "The Da Vinci Code".
Rumours about the secret initiation ceremonies of the Templar order and the allegation of idolatry, specifically the worship of images of bearded men, were crucial in 1307 when hundreds of knights were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake.

Burial shroud of Jesus?
The Shroud of Turin conforms to what is known about First Century Jewish burial practices of using a single linen shroud. Strips of linen were only used to tie the hands and feet.
Textile analysis indicates an ancient origin. Threads were hand-spun. The cloth is pieced together in narrow bands with each hank of yarn individually bleached. All indicate an origin earlier than the Middle Ages.
If the shroud wrapped a human corpse as several medical forensic specialists believe, and if it originated in Israel, as many botanists believe, can it ever be proven to be Jesus?
Only by inference:
1 Blood on head from crown of thorns?
2 Abrasions and bruises on face from the beating by the Pharisees and Romans?
3 Wound in the side specifically from a spear point?
4 Over 120 scourge (whip) marks.
5 Blood on the arms that flow from the wrists towards the shoulders.
6 Nail wound in the wrists.
7 Nail wound in the feet.
8 Legs not broken.
9 Post mortem blood flow from side wound and on the back.
10 Legs are pulled up due to rigor mortis.
11 Blood is from actual wounds and show evidence of gravity from a vertical position.
12 No stains of body decomposition.

Early records show that crucifixion as a means of execution was probably first used by the Persians. Darius I crucified his opponents as did Alexander the Great. Crucifixion was used by the Carthaginians and eventually the Romans who went on to use this as an attempt to warn its enemies of the consequences of rebellion.

There were various forms of nails used for crucifixion during the Roman period. During the 1st century long square shank iron nails were in common use being up to 18cms long.
The nails of this length were nailed through the heel of the victim being long enough to then penetrate sufficiently into the upright so as to hold his weight.

Roman Flagrum (whip) with lead weights configured in a dumbbell position.
If you were to study the Shroud of Turin, you would note that the flagrum used to whip Our Lord consisted of three seperate thongs, each ending in a set of two lead balls. These roughly  dumbbell shaped balls added enormous weight to the beating, but also would tear the flesh of the victims back, buttocks and legs . This cruel torture was intended to weaken the person to be crucified to prevent any sort of resistance to the final execution.

3D modeling depicted in the 2010 documentary The Real Face of Jesus? as seen on The History Channel